Brunei Darussalam
4th AGM
The 4th AGM was held on the 23rd June 2012 at Portview Hotel, Bandar seri Begawan. After the president’s welcome speech, the Secretary and Treasurer both submitted their annual reports.
This was followed by the election of the 2nd Executive committee. The results of the election are as follows:
President: Dr Hj Zulaidi Latif
Vice- President: Dr Lim Kim Hong
Secretary: Dr Raman Sivasankar
Treasurer: Dr Sureshchandra Shah
Committee members:
Dr Salil Nair
Dr Sasikala
Dr Ganapathi
Dr Anand Kulkarni
Dr Vishwanathan
BSA also bid farewell to Dr HL Kaul, our senior anesthetist and mentor, who will be leaving Brunei by the end of the year. Two of the local doctors, Dr Wardina and Dr Lena, were also congratulated and given best wishes for their studies in HUKM next month.
BSA would like to thank all outgoing committee members for their contribution, support and dedication towards the society.
The proceedings were followed by a Riverside buffet dinner.